SOLAS Regulation II-2/15.2.11
Spray shields should be fitted around flanged joints, flanged bonnets and any other flanged orthreaded connections in fuel oil piping systems under pressure exceeding 0,18 N/mm² which are located above or near units of high temperature, including boilers, steam pipes, exhaust manifolds, silencers or other equipment required to be insulated by SOLAS regulation II-2/15.2.10.
Das ATL NST-Spritzschutztape verfügt über Typzulassungen der folgenden Klassifikationsgesellschaften:
ABS American Bureau of Shipping
LR Lloyds Register
BV Bureau Veritas
ClassNK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
CCS China Classification Society
DNV Det Norske Veritas
GL Germanischer Lloyd
RINA, KR auf Anfrage